Derb Zaouiat Lahdar, Marrakesh 40000, Morocco, Marrakesh. Photo: Hannah Busing/unsplash

Facilitating policymaking in the Arab region

through dynamic simulators of international indices

Young man in Cairo. Photo: Craig Boudreaux/unsplash
Improving policymaking effectiveness

Through ISPAR, ESCWA aims to assist its member States in identifying effective and efficient procedures that could be implemented in the short, medium and long terms to enhance country rankings and strengthen socioeconomic development. ISPAR will contribute to improving and disseminating knowledge on measuring, monitoring and evaluating performance, undertaking analysis of existing obstacles, and formulating scenarios for reforms, so as to improve policy effectiveness and efficiency. It allows policymakers to track the impact of various issues affecting a country’s trade performance, as measured by international indices. ISPAR also reveals how a change in a country's performance in an index’s key indicator could alter its overall ranking, and how to select other countries for comparison. The tool’s main sections are: “About”, which presents additional information on the project and indices; “Indices”, which presents the indices and provides a brief description of them; “Countries”, where a specific country can be selected to view its results or simulate its performance; and “Simulator”, where desired simulations can be launched. This simulator is for advanced users who have an understanding of the indices and have reviewed their country's ranking in those indices.

Learn more about this project
Using international indices

ESCWA supports member States in streamlining economic planning and coordination across ministries and partners, and acts as regional policy advisor on the use of international indices for developing effective and transformational policies.

Explore the indices
View of Cairo. Photo: Sherif Moharram/unsplash
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