The Index Simulator

This simulator is for advanced users who have an understanding of the indices and have reviewed their country's ranking in those indices. The Index Simulator allows you to imagine how a change in your country's performance in an index KPI would alter its overall ranking, and to select other countries for comparison.

Country description

Trinidad and Tobago is a high income country. It has a GDP per capita of around 18.33 Thousand USD (2023) and HDI value of 0.81 (2022)

Index description

The Development Challenges Index measures shortfalls in three key dimensions, namely (i) quality-adjusted human development, (ii) environmental sustainability and (iii) governance. This index offers an analytical toolkit that could trigger policy dialogue to address these challenges at the global, regional and national levels.

Results for Trinidad and Tobago

2020 Simulator
Rank 88
0.43Value: 0.432494
Value: 0.432494

Comparison benchmarks
Compare to:
Top 3 in Income Group
Top 3 in Region
Compare to:
Income Group
KPI Information icon 2020 - Trinidad and Tobago
Weight Information icon Best Worst Aspirational value Information icon Current Value
plus interface iconQuality-adjusted human development
Rank 112 / Score 0.31
Healthy life expectancy at birth, yearsInformation icon
Initial Value: 1
74.10 44.20
Worst: Lesotho 44.20
Best: Japan 74.10
66.2Value: 66.2
Expected years of schoolingInformation icon
Initial Value: 1
22.00 6.50
Worst: Niger 6.50
Best: Australia 22.00
13Value: 13
Mean years of schoolingInformation icon
Initial Value: 1
14.20 1.60
Worst: Burkina Faso 1.60
Best: Germany 14.20
11Value: 11
Harmonized test scoresInformation icon
Initial Value: 1
575.27 304.92
Worst: Niger 304.92
Best: Singapore 575.27
458.29Value: 458.289
Gross national income (GNI) per capita (constant 2017 PPP$)Information icon
Initial Value: 1
92418.00 754.00
Worst: Burundi 754.00
Best: Qatar 92418.00
26231Value: 26231
Inequality IncomeInformation icon
Initial Value: 1
57.00 8.50
Worst: South Africa 57.00
Best: Ukraine 8.50
21.9Value: 21.9
plus interface iconEnvironmental sustainability
Rank 7 / Score 0.61
Carbon Dioxide (C02) emissions per capita (production)Information icon
Initial Value: 1
38.00 0.00
Worst: Qatar 38.00
Best: Burundi 0.00
31.3Value: 31.3
Material footprint per capitaInformation icon
Initial Value: 1
118.07 0.43
Worst: Guyana 118.07
Best: Belarus 0.43
5.57Value: 5.57
Energy efficiency (megajoules per USD constant 2011 PPP GDP)Information icon
Initial Value: 1
19.52 1.36
Worst: Trinidad and Tobago 19.52
Best: Malta 1.36
19.52Value: 19.52
PM2.5 exposureInformation icon
Initial Value: 1
3993.22 71.68
Worst: Egypt 3993.22
Best: Iceland 71.68
1376.68Value: 1376.68
Household solid fuelsInformation icon
Initial Value: 1
8114.93 0.14
Worst: Central African Republic 8114.93
Best: United Arab Emirates 0.14
2.25Value: 2.25
Ozone exposureInformation icon
Initial Value: 1
545.84 0.04
Worst: Nepal 545.84
Best: Barbados 0.04
1.04Value: 1.04
Unsafe sanitationInformation icon
Initial Value: 1
6099.32 0.41
Worst: Central African Republic 6099.32
Best: United Kingdom 0.41
35.57Value: 35.5741
Unsafe drinking waterInformation icon
Initial Value: 1
8138.96 1.68
Worst: Central African Republic 8138.96
Best: Greece 1.68
134.5Value: 134.498
Lead exposureInformation icon
Initial Value: 1
1869.91 14.52
Worst: Afghanistan 1869.91
Best: Finland 14.52
48.74Value: 48.7393
Controlled solid wasteInformation icon
Initial Value: 1
1.00 0.00
Worst: Afghanistan 0.00
Best: Colombia 1.00
0.1Value: 0.104
plus interface iconGood governance
Rank 117 / Score 0.37
Transparent Laws With Predictable EnforcementInformation icon
Initial Value: 1
3.83 -2.39
Worst: Libya -2.39
Best: Sweden 3.83
1.45Value: 1.446
Executive OversightInformation icon
Initial Value: 1
3.36 -2.43
Worst: Burundi -2.43
Best: Sweden 3.36
2.23Value: 2.228
Judicial AccountabilityInformation icon
Initial Value: 1
3.62 -2.19
Worst: Bahrain -2.19
Best: Denmark 3.62
0.81Value: 0.814
Access to Justice indexInformation icon
Initial Value: 1
1.00 0.04
Worst: Syrian Arab Republic 0.04
Best: Denmark 1.00
0.86Value: 0.862
Rigorous and Impartial Public AdministrationInformation icon
Initial Value: 1
3.92 -2.53
Worst: Libya -2.53
Best: Germany 3.92
0.92Value: 0.92
CSO consultationInformation icon
Initial Value: 1
3.60 -2.48
Worst: Syrian Arab Republic -2.48
Best: Denmark 3.60
1.79Value: 1.788
CSO participatory environmentInformation icon
Initial Value: 1
3.18 -2.15
Worst: Croatia -2.15
Best: Norway 3.18
1.34Value: 1.341
Government effectivenessInformation icon
Initial Value: 1
2.34 -2.31
Worst: Yemen -2.31
Best: Singapore 2.34
0.18Value: 0.179911
Index Global Highlights
Global Details
Global Average
0.42 Value: 0.419058061349693
Developed Economies Average
0.24 0.239584527777778
Developing Economies Average
0.46 0.456773355263158
Highest Ranked Country Country Haiti
0.66 0.657546
Global Rank 1
Lowest Ranked Country Country Switzerland
0.12 0.123977
Global Rank 163
Highest Ranked Developed Country Country Czech Republic
0.51 0.514665
Global Rank 44
Lowest Ranked Developed Country Country Switzerland
0.12 0.123977
Global Rank 163
Highest Ranked Developing Country Country Yemen
0.64 0.635859
Global Rank 4
Lowest Ranked Developing Country Country Singapore
0.21 0.210218
Global Rank 148
Arab Region Details Information icon
Arab Average
0.48 0.477712578947368
Arab Diversified Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, State of Palestine
0.46 0.45649475
Arab LDC Comoros, Djibouti, Mauritania, Somalia, Sudan, Syrian Arab Republic, Yemen
0.57 0.5665474
Highest Ranked Country Country Yemen
0.64 0.635859
Global Rank 4
Lowest Ranked Country Country United Arab Emirates
0.36 0.35962
Global Rank 120
Highest Arab Diversified Country Country Iraq
0.52 0.520455
Global Rank 39
Lowest Arab Diversified Country Country Jordan
0.36 0.364329
Global Rank 116
Highest Arab LDC Country Yemen
0.64 0.635859
Global Rank 4
Lowest Arab LDC Country Djibouti
0.53 0.525004
Global Rank 37
Economies per capita
High-Income Andorra, Antigua and Barbuda, Australia, Austria, Bahamas, Bahrain, Barbados, Brunei Darussalam, Belgium, Canada, Croatia, Nauru, Chile, Cyprus, Denmark, Puerto Rico, Taiwan, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Monaco, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Kuwait, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Mauritius, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Oman, Palau, Panama, Poland, Portugal, San Marino, Singapore, Slovak Republic, Qatar, Korea, Rep., Romania, St. Kitts and Nevis, Saudi Arabia, Seychelles, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Trinidad and Tobago, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States, Czech Republic, Hong Kong SAR
0.27 0.2729413
Upper-Middle-Income Albania, Argentina, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, China, Belize, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Botswana, Brazil, Bulgaria, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Equatorial Guinea, Fiji, Gabon, Georgia, Grenada, Guatemala, Guyana, Indonesia, Iran, Islamic Rep., Iraq, Jamaica, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Libya, Malaysia, Maldives, Marshall Islands, Mexico, Montenegro, Namibia, Paraguay, Peru, Russian Federation, St. Lucia, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Samoa, Serbia, Kosovo, Suriname, Thailand, Tonga, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Tuvalu, Venezuela, South Africa, North Macedonia
0.43 0.434008880952381
Lower-Middle-Income Algeria, Angola, Bangladesh, Benin, Bhutan, Bolivia, Cambodia, Cameroon, Cape Verde, Myanmar, Comoros, Congo, Rep., Djibouti, Egypt, El Salvador, Eswatini, Ghana, Honduras, India, Kenya, Kiribati, Kyrgyz Republic, Lao PDR, Lebanon, Lesotho, Mauritania, Micronesia, Mongolia, Morocco, Nepal, Nicaragua, Nigeria, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Moldova, Sao Tome and Principe, Senegal, Solomon Islands, Sri Lanka, Timor-Leste, Tunisia, Ukraine, Tanzania, Uzbekistan, Vanuatu, Viet Nam, Uruguay, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Cote d'Ivoire, State of Palestine
0.49 0.485483
Low Income Afghanistan, Chad, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Korea Dem Rep., Congo, Democratic Rep., Eritrea, Ethiopia, Gambia, Guinea, Haiti, Malawi, Mali, Guinea-Bissau, Liberia, Madagascar, Mozambique, Niger, Somalia, Rwanda, Togo, Sierra Leone, South Sudan, Sudan, Syrian Arab Republic, Tajikistan, Uganda, Yemen, Central African Republic
0.58 0.5778775
Oil Exporting/Importing
Oil Exporting Average Albania, Algeria, Angola, Argentina, Australia, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Barbados, Brunei Darussalam, Chad, China, Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Cameroon, Canada, Colombia, Congo, Rep., Congo, Democratic Rep., Denmark, Ecuador, Egypt, Equatorial Guinea, Estonia, Gabon, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Guatemala, Indonesia, Iran, Islamic Rep., Iraq, Ireland, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Libya, Lithuania, Malaysia, Mauritania, Mexico, Mongolia, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nigeria, Norway, Oman, Papua New Guinea, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Slovak Republic, Qatar, Russian Federation, Saudi Arabia, South Sudan, Sudan, Suriname, Syrian Arab Republic, Thailand, Timor-Leste, Trinidad and Tobago, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States, Venezuela, Viet Nam, Yemen
0.41 0.409599349206349
Oil Importing Average Afghanistan, Andorra, Antigua and Barbuda, Armenia, Austria, Bahamas, Bangladesh, Belarus, Belgium, Benin, Bhutan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Botswana, Bulgaria, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cambodia, Cape Verde, Croatia, Korea Dem Rep., Myanmar, Nauru, Chile, Comoros, Costa Rica, Cyprus, Djibouti, Dominica, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Puerto Rico, Taiwan, Eritrea, Eswatini, Ethiopia, Fiji, Finland, France, Gambia, Ghana, Grenada, Guinea, Haiti, Malawi, Mali, Monaco, Guinea-Bissau, Guyana, Honduras, Hungary, Iceland, India, Israel, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Jordan, Kenya, Kiribati, Kyrgyz Republic, Lao PDR, Latvia, Lebanon, Lesotho, Liberia, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Madagascar, Maldives, Malta, Marshall Islands, Mauritius, Micronesia, Montenegro, Morocco, Mozambique, Namibia, Nepal, Nicaragua, Niger, Pakistan, Palau, Panama, Paraguay, Portugal, San Marino, Singapore, Somalia, Korea, Rep., Moldova, Romania, Rwanda, St. Kitts and Nevis, St. Lucia, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Samoa, Sao Tome and Principe, Senegal, Serbia, Seychelles, Togo, Kosovo, Sierra Leone, Slovenia, Solomon Islands, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sweden, Switzerland, Tajikistan, Tonga, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Tuvalu, Uganda, Ukraine, Tanzania, Uzbekistan, Vanuatu, Uruguay, Czech Republic, Hong Kong SAR, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Central African Republic, Cote d'Ivoire, South Africa, State of Palestine, North Macedonia
0.43 0.426989464646465
Oil Exporting Best Country Congo, Democratic Rep.
0.66 0.655378
Global Rank 3
Oil Exporting Worst Country Denmark
0.13 0.13038
Global Rank 162
Oil Importing Best Country Haiti
0.66 0.657546
Global Rank 1
Oil Importing Worst Country Switzerland
0.12 0.123977
Global Rank 163
OECD Information icon
OECD Average
0.24 0.241569918918919
OECD Developed Average Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, United States, Czech Republic
0.23 0.230422787878788
OECD Developing Average Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Korea, Rep., Turkey
0.35 0.3522988
OECD Best Country Czech Republic
0.51 0.514665
Global Rank 44
OECD Worst Country Switzerland
0.12 0.123977
Global Rank 163
OECD Developed Best Country Czech Republic
0.51 0.514665
Global Rank 44
OECD Developed Worst Country Switzerland
0.12 0.123977
Global Rank 163
OECD Developing Best Country Mexico
0.43 0.427359
Global Rank 90
OECD Developing Worst Country Korea, Rep.
0.24 0.241788
Global Rank 139
ESCWA region Information icon
Simple Average
Highest Ranked Country Country Yemen
Score 0.64
Rank 4
Lowest Ranked Country Country United Arab Emirates
Score 0.36
Rank 120
Oil Exporting Information icon
Simple Average
Highest Ranked Country Country Congo, Democratic Rep.
Score 0.66
Rank 3
Lowest Ranked Country Country Denmark
Score 0.13
Rank 162
Oil Importing Information icon
Simple Average
Highest Ranked Country Country Haiti
Score 0.66
Rank 1
Lowest Ranked Country Country Switzerland
Score 0.12
Rank 163
OECD Developing Information icon
Simple Average
Highest Ranked Country Country Mexico
Score 0.43
Rank 90
Lowest Ranked Country Country Korea, Rep.
Score 0.24
Rank 139
OECD Developed Information icon
Simple Average
Highest Ranked Country Country Czech Republic
Score 0.51
Rank 44
Lowest Ranked Country Country Switzerland
Score 0.12
Rank 163
East Asia and Pacific Information icon
Simple Average
Highest Ranked Country Country Lao PDR
Score 0.55
Rank 26
Lowest Ranked Country Country New Zealand
Score 0.19
Rank 153
Europe and Central Asia Information icon
Simple Average
Highest Ranked Country Country Turkmenistan
Score 0.6
Rank 12
Lowest Ranked Country Country Switzerland
Score 0.12
Rank 163
Latin America and The Caribbean Information icon
Simple Average
Highest Ranked Country Country Haiti
Score 0.66
Rank 1
Lowest Ranked Country Country Cuba
Score 0.23
Rank 143
North America Information icon
Simple Average
Highest Ranked Country Country United States
Score 0.25
Rank 135
Lowest Ranked Country Country Canada
Score 0.22
Rank 144
South Asia Information icon
Simple Average
Highest Ranked Country Country Afghanistan
Score 0.56
Rank 21
Lowest Ranked Country Country Sri Lanka
Score 0.4
Rank 104
Sub-Saharan Africa Information icon
Simple Average
Highest Ranked Country Country Central African Republic
Score 0.66
Rank 2
Lowest Ranked Country Country Mauritius
Score 0.31
Rank 126
Simulator Projection
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