The Index Simulator

This simulator is for advanced users who have an understanding of the indices and have reviewed their country's ranking in those indices. The Index Simulator allows you to imagine how a change in your country's performance in an index KPI would alter its overall ranking, and to select other countries for comparison.

Country description

South Sudan is a low income country. It has a GDP per capita of around 1.07 Thousand USD (2015) and HDI value of 0.38 (2022)

Index description

The Gov AI readiness index measures national preparedness to harness AI technology for development. The index consists of 3 pillars, that cover 10 dimensions. The scores of these dimensions are calculated based on 33 KPIs.

Results for South Sudan

2022 2023 Simulator
Rank 177 191
19.45Value: 19.45429849
18.26Value: 18.25739575
Value: 18.25739575

Comparison benchmarks
Compare to:
Top 3 in Income Group
Top 3 in Region
Compare to:
Income Group
KPI Information icon 2023 - South Sudan
Weight Information icon Best Worst Aspirational value Information icon Current Value
plus interface iconVision
Rank 80 / Score 0
AI strategyInformation icon
Initial Value: 1
100.00 0.00
Worst: Afghanistan 0.00
Best: Argentina 100.00
0Value: 0
plus interface iconGovernance & Ethics
Rank 179 / Score 17.53
Data protection and privacy lawsInformation icon
Initial Value: 1
100.00 0.00
Worst: Afghanistan 0.00
Best: Albania 100.00
57.89Value: 57.89473684
CybersecurityInformation icon
Initial Value: 1
100.00 1.46
Worst: Equatorial Guinea 1.46
Best: United States 100.00
5.75Value: 5.75
Regularity qualityInformation icon
Initial Value: 1
94.20 2.60
Worst: Eritrea 2.60
Best: Singapore 94.20
8Value: 8
Ethical principlesInformation icon
Initial Value: 1
100.00 0.00
Worst: Afghanistan 0.00
Best: Argentina 100.00
0Value: 0
AccountabilityInformation icon
Initial Value: 1
85.40 11.20
Worst: Turkmenistan 11.20
Best: Norway 85.40
16Value: 16
plus interface iconDigital Capacity
Rank 188 / Score 13.75
Online servicesInformation icon
Initial Value: 1
100.00 0.00
Worst: Eritrea 0.00
Best: Estonia 100.00
5.18Value: 5.18
Foundational IT infrastructureInformation icon
Initial Value: 1
99.00 5.80
Worst: Eritrea 5.80
Best: Korea, Rep. 99.00
14.8Value: 14.8
Government promotion of investment in emerging technologiesInformation icon
Initial Value: 1
100.00 0.05
Worst: Lesotho 0.05
Best: China 100.00
21.28Value: 21.2775
plus interface iconAdaptability
Rank 183 / Score 22.16
Government EffectivenessInformation icon
Initial Value: 1
92.80 2.20
Worst: South Sudan 2.20
Best: Singapore 92.80
2.2Value: 2.2
Government's responsiveness to changeInformation icon
Initial Value: 1
85.22 7.20
Worst: Venezuela 7.20
Best: Singapore 85.22
41.38Value: 41.38274756
Procurement DataInformation icon
Initial Value: 1
96.00 0.00
Worst: Angola 0.00
Best: Ukraine 96.00
22.89Value: 22.88888889
plus interface iconMaturity
Rank 169 / Score 7.84
Number of AI Unicorns (log transformation)Information icon
Initial Value: 1
100.00 0.00
Worst: Afghanistan 0.00
Best: United States 100.00
0Value: 0
Number of non-AI Unicorns (log transformation)Information icon
Initial Value: 1
100.00 0.00
Worst: Afghanistan 0.00
Best: United States 100.00
0Value: 0
Value of trade in ICT services (per capita) (log transformation)Information icon
Initial Value: 1
100.00 0.00
Worst: Kiribati 0.00
Best: Ireland 100.00
19.46Value: 19.46381597
Value of trade in ICT goods (per capita) (log transformation)Information icon
Initial Value: 1
100.00 8.63
Worst: Congo, Democratic Rep. 8.63
Best: Singapore 100.00
17.11Value: 17.11452281
Computer software spendingInformation icon
Initial Value: 1
100.00 0.00
Worst: Ethiopia 0.00
Best: United States 100.00
2.61Value: 2.608268813
plus interface iconInnovation Capacity
Rank 184 / Score 27.08
Time spent dealing with government regulationsInformation icon
Initial Value: 1
99.90 71.20
Worst: Bhutan 71.20
Best: Tunisia 99.90
82Value: 82
VC availabilityInformation icon
Initial Value: 1
100.00 0.00
Worst: Algeria 0.00
Best: Canada 100.00
12.29Value: 12.28571429
R&D Spending (log transformation)Information icon
Initial Value: 1
100.00 0.55
Worst: Mauritania 0.55
Best: Israel 100.00
12.72Value: 12.72028408
Company investment in emerging technologiesInformation icon
Initial Value: 1
100.00 0.00
Worst: Angola 0.00
Best: United States 100.00
28.42Value: 28.41666667
AI research papers (log transformation)Information icon
Initial Value: 1
100.00 0.00
Worst: Andorra 0.00
Best: China 100.00
0Value: 0
plus interface iconHuman Capital
Rank 176 / Score 18.47
Graduates in STEM or computer scienceInformation icon
Initial Value: 1
100.00 1.68
Worst: Marshall Islands 1.68
Best: San Marino 100.00
27.29Value: 27.29154798
Github ActivityInformation icon
Initial Value: 1
100.00 0.00
Worst: Andorra 0.00
Best: Singapore 100.00
1.29Value: 1.288026836
Female STEM GraduatesInformation icon
Initial Value: 1
100.00 0.00
Worst: Andorra 0.00
Best: Algeria 100.00
59.63Value: 59.632416
Quality of Engineering and Technology Higher EdInformation icon
Initial Value: 1
100.00 0.00
Worst: Afghanistan 0.00
Best: United States 100.00
0Value: 0
Digital skillsInformation icon
Initial Value: 1
100.00 2.66
Worst: Togo 2.66
Best: Saudi Arabia 100.00
4.16Value: 4.161727907
plus interface iconInfrastructure
Rank 188 / Score 11.07
Telecommunications infrastructureInformation icon
Initial Value: 1
100.00 0.00
Worst: South Sudan 0.00
Best: Liechtenstein 100.00
0Value: 0
Broadband QualityInformation icon
Initial Value: 1
85.30 18.40
Worst: Congo, Democratic Rep. 18.40
Best: Singapore 85.30
35.35Value: 35.34545455
SupercomputersInformation icon
Initial Value: 1
100.00 0.00
Worst: Afghanistan 0.00
Best: United States 100.00
0Value: 0
5G InfrastructureInformation icon
Initial Value: 1
100.00 0.00
Worst: Albania 0.00
Best: Afghanistan 100.00
0Value: 0
Adoption of emerging technologiesInformation icon
Initial Value: 1
100.00 0.00
Worst: Lesotho 0.00
Best: Netherlands 100.00
19.99Value: 19.98583333
plus interface iconData Availability
Rank 191 / Score 15.13
Open DataInformation icon
Initial Value: 1
90.00 0.00
Worst: Angola 0.00
Best: Canada 90.00
16.11Value: 16.11111111
Data GovernanceInformation icon
Initial Value: 1
100.00 0.00
Worst: Afghanistan 0.00
Best: Australia 100.00
0Value: 0
Mobile cellular telephone subscriptionsInformation icon
Initial Value: 1
100.00 15.15
Worst: State of Palestine 15.15
Best: Andorra 100.00
23.08Value: 23.07692308
Households with internet accessInformation icon
Initial Value: 1
100.00 1.92
Worst: Eritrea 1.92
Best: Bahrain 100.00
5.99Value: 5.99181
Statistical CapacityInformation icon
Initial Value: 1
90.09 19.62
Worst: Somalia 19.62
Best: Norway 90.09
30.49Value: 30.48916667
plus interface iconData Representativeness
Rank 184 / Score 44.64
Cost of cheapest internet-enabled device (% of monthly GDP per capita)Information icon
Initial Value: 1
100.00 0.00
Worst: Chad 0.00
Best: Austria 100.00
0Value: 0
Gender gap in internet accessInformation icon
Initial Value: 1
100.00 72.00
Worst: Cote d'Ivoire 72.00
Best: China 100.00
89.28Value: 89.28181818
Index Global Highlights
Global Details
Global Average
45.08 Value: 45.0814105143125
Developed Economies Average
67.83 67.8303977954167
Developing Economies Average
44.94 44.9390921846883
Highest Ranked Country Country United States
84.8 84.796171272
Global Rank 1
Lowest Ranked Country Country Syrian Arab Republic
18.12 18.12073889
Global Rank 192
Highest Ranked Developed Country Country United States
84.8 84.796171272
Global Rank 1
Lowest Ranked Developed Country Country Croatia
49.34 49.341993045
Global Rank 70
Highest Ranked Developing Country Country Singapore
81.97 81.97096482
Global Rank 2
Lowest Ranked Developing Country Country Yemen
19.89 19.887070519
Global Rank 188
Arab Region Details Information icon
Arab Average
41.12 41.1154520705454
Arab Diversified Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, State of Palestine
44.74 44.7386579678
Arab LDC Comoros, Djibouti, Mauritania, Somalia, Sudan, Syrian Arab Republic, Yemen
23.45 23.4511113392857
Highest Ranked Country Country United Arab Emirates
70.42 70.423033084
Global Rank 18
Lowest Ranked Country Country Syrian Arab Republic
18.12 18.12073889
Global Rank 192
Highest Arab Diversified Country Country Jordan
56.85 56.846811704
Global Rank 55
Lowest Arab Diversified Country Country State of Palestine
33.14 33.13922995
Global Rank 133
Highest Arab LDC Country Djibouti
29.95 29.947910108
Global Rank 154
Lowest Arab LDC Country Syrian Arab Republic
18.12 18.12073889
Global Rank 192
Economies per capita
High-Income Andorra, Antigua and Barbuda, Australia, Austria, Bahamas, Bahrain, Barbados, Brunei Darussalam, Belgium, Canada, Croatia, Nauru, Chile, Cyprus, Denmark, Puerto Rico, Taiwan, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Monaco, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Kuwait, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Mauritius, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Oman, Palau, Panama, Poland, Portugal, San Marino, Singapore, Slovak Republic, Qatar, Korea, Rep., Romania, St. Kitts and Nevis, Saudi Arabia, Seychelles, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Trinidad and Tobago, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States, Czech Republic, Hong Kong SAR
62.21 62.2080622639
Upper-Middle-Income Albania, Argentina, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, China, Belize, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Botswana, Brazil, Bulgaria, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Equatorial Guinea, Fiji, Gabon, Georgia, Grenada, Guatemala, Guyana, Indonesia, Iran, Islamic Rep., Iraq, Jamaica, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Libya, Malaysia, Maldives, Marshall Islands, Mexico, Montenegro, Namibia, Paraguay, Peru, Russian Federation, St. Lucia, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Samoa, Serbia, Kosovo, Suriname, Thailand, Tonga, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Tuvalu, Venezuela, South Africa, North Macedonia
44.04 44.0401041961539
Lower-Middle-Income Algeria, Angola, Bangladesh, Benin, Bhutan, Bolivia, Cambodia, Cameroon, Cape Verde, Myanmar, Comoros, Congo, Rep., Djibouti, Egypt, El Salvador, Eswatini, Ghana, Honduras, India, Kenya, Kiribati, Kyrgyz Republic, Lao PDR, Lebanon, Lesotho, Mauritania, Micronesia, Mongolia, Morocco, Nepal, Nicaragua, Nigeria, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Moldova, Sao Tome and Principe, Senegal, Solomon Islands, Sri Lanka, Timor-Leste, Tunisia, Ukraine, Tanzania, Uzbekistan, Vanuatu, Viet Nam, Uruguay, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Cote d'Ivoire, State of Palestine
36.84 36.8437739645686
Low Income Afghanistan, Chad, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Korea Dem Rep., Congo, Democratic Rep., Eritrea, Ethiopia, Gambia, Guinea, Haiti, Malawi, Mali, Guinea-Bissau, Liberia, Madagascar, Mozambique, Niger, Somalia, Rwanda, Togo, Sierra Leone, South Sudan, Sudan, Syrian Arab Republic, Tajikistan, Uganda, Yemen, Central African Republic
25.66 25.6610233696786
Oil Exporting/Importing
Oil Exporting Average Albania, Algeria, Angola, Argentina, Australia, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Barbados, Brunei Darussalam, Chad, China, Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Cameroon, Canada, Colombia, Congo, Rep., Congo, Democratic Rep., Denmark, Ecuador, Egypt, Equatorial Guinea, Estonia, Gabon, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Guatemala, Indonesia, Iran, Islamic Rep., Iraq, Ireland, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Libya, Lithuania, Malaysia, Mauritania, Mexico, Mongolia, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nigeria, Norway, Oman, Papua New Guinea, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Slovak Republic, Qatar, Russian Federation, Saudi Arabia, South Sudan, Sudan, Suriname, Syrian Arab Republic, Thailand, Timor-Leste, Trinidad and Tobago, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States, Venezuela, Viet Nam, Yemen
48.86 48.8624790474706
Oil Importing Average Afghanistan, Andorra, Antigua and Barbuda, Armenia, Austria, Bahamas, Bangladesh, Belarus, Belgium, Benin, Bhutan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Botswana, Bulgaria, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cambodia, Cape Verde, Croatia, Korea Dem Rep., Myanmar, Nauru, Chile, Comoros, Costa Rica, Cyprus, Djibouti, Dominica, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Puerto Rico, Taiwan, Eritrea, Eswatini, Ethiopia, Fiji, Finland, France, Gambia, Ghana, Grenada, Guinea, Haiti, Malawi, Mali, Monaco, Guinea-Bissau, Guyana, Honduras, Hungary, Iceland, India, Israel, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Jordan, Kenya, Kiribati, Kyrgyz Republic, Lao PDR, Latvia, Lebanon, Lesotho, Liberia, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Madagascar, Maldives, Malta, Marshall Islands, Mauritius, Micronesia, Montenegro, Morocco, Mozambique, Namibia, Nepal, Nicaragua, Niger, Pakistan, Palau, Panama, Paraguay, Portugal, San Marino, Singapore, Somalia, Korea, Rep., Moldova, Romania, Rwanda, St. Kitts and Nevis, St. Lucia, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Samoa, Sao Tome and Principe, Senegal, Serbia, Seychelles, Togo, Kosovo, Sierra Leone, Slovenia, Solomon Islands, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sweden, Switzerland, Tajikistan, Tonga, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Tuvalu, Uganda, Ukraine, Tanzania, Uzbekistan, Vanuatu, Uruguay, Czech Republic, Hong Kong SAR, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Central African Republic, Cote d'Ivoire, South Africa, State of Palestine, North Macedonia
43.07 43.068794352439
Oil Exporting Best Country United States
84.8 84.796171272
Global Rank 1
Oil Exporting Worst Country Syrian Arab Republic
18.12 18.12073889
Global Rank 192
Oil Importing Best Country Singapore
81.97 81.97096482
Global Rank 2
Oil Importing Worst Country Eritrea
19.62 19.624214699
Global Rank 190
OECD Information icon
OECD Average
68.35 68.3485182834595
OECD Developed Average Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, United States, Czech Republic
68.88 68.8769910468485
OECD Developing Average Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Korea, Rep., Turkey
61.27 61.2655630038
OECD Best Country United States
84.8 84.796171272
Global Rank 1
OECD Worst Country Mexico
50.37 50.373343077
Global Rank 68
OECD Developed Best Country United States
84.8 84.796171272
Global Rank 1
OECD Developed Worst Country Mexico
50.37 50.373343077
Global Rank 68
OECD Developing Best Country Korea, Rep.
75.65 75.645112116
Global Rank 7
OECD Developing Worst Country Mexico
50.37 50.373343077
Global Rank 68
ESCWA region Information icon
Simple Average
Highest Ranked Country Country United Arab Emirates
Score 70.42
Rank 18
Lowest Ranked Country Country Syrian Arab Republic
Score 18.12
Rank 192
Oil Exporting Information icon
Simple Average
Highest Ranked Country Country United States
Score 84.8
Rank 1
Lowest Ranked Country Country Syrian Arab Republic
Score 18.12
Rank 192
Oil Importing Information icon
Simple Average
Highest Ranked Country Country Singapore
Score 81.97
Rank 2
Lowest Ranked Country Country Eritrea
Score 19.62
Rank 190
OECD Developing Information icon
Simple Average
Highest Ranked Country Country Korea, Rep.
Score 75.65
Rank 7
Lowest Ranked Country Country Mexico
Score 50.37
Rank 68
OECD Developed Information icon
Simple Average
Highest Ranked Country Country United States
Score 84.8
Rank 1
Lowest Ranked Country Country Mexico
Score 50.37
Rank 68
East Asia and Pacific Information icon
Simple Average
Highest Ranked Country Country Singapore
Score 81.97
Rank 2
Lowest Ranked Country Country Papua New Guinea
Score 30.41
Rank 151
Europe and Central Asia Information icon
Simple Average
Highest Ranked Country Country United Kingdom
Score 78.57
Rank 3
Lowest Ranked Country Country Turkmenistan
Score 31.17
Rank 147
Latin America and The Caribbean Information icon
Simple Average
Highest Ranked Country Country Brazil
Score 63.7
Rank 32
Lowest Ranked Country Country Haiti
Score 21.97
Rank 184
North America Information icon
Simple Average
Highest Ranked Country Country United States
Score 84.8
Rank 1
Lowest Ranked Country Country Canada
Score 77.07
Rank 5
South Asia Information icon
Simple Average
Highest Ranked Country Country India
Score 62.58
Rank 40
Lowest Ranked Country Country Afghanistan
Score 21.27
Rank 186
Sub-Saharan Africa Information icon
Simple Average
Highest Ranked Country Country Mauritius
Score 53.27
Rank 61
Lowest Ranked Country Country Central African Republic
Score 19.74
Rank 189
Simulator Projection
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