2023 - Kazakhstan |
Weight |
Best |
Worst |
Aspirational value |
Current Value |
Institutional environment
Rank 72 / Score 44.26 |
Operational stability for businesses |
Initial Value: 0.5
4.00 |
0.40 |
Worst: Lebanon 4.00 Best: Singapore 0.40
50% |
2.2Value: 2.2
Government effectiveness |
Initial Value: 1
2.29 |
-1.33 |
Worst: Burundi -1.33 Best: Singapore 2.29
38.51% |
0.06Value: 0.064204693
Regulatory environment
Rank 51 / Score 66.81 |
Regulatory quality |
Initial Value: 0.5
2.23 |
-1.62 |
Worst: Iran, Islamic Rep. -1.62 Best: Singapore 2.23
44.41% |
0.09Value: 0.089868896
Rule of law |
Initial Value: 0.5
2.06 |
-1.36 |
Worst: Nicaragua -1.36 Best: Finland 2.06
25.52% |
-0.49Value: -0.48713759
Cost of redundancy dismissal |
Initial Value: 1
58.50 |
8.00 |
Worst: Sri Lanka 58.50 Best: Austria 8.00
98.68% |
8.67Value: 8.666666
Business Environment
Rank 70 / Score 44.68 |
Policies for doing business |
Initial Value: 1
6.42 |
1.67 |
Worst: Argentina 1.67 Best: Switzerland 6.42
35.5% |
3.36Value: 3.3561053165
Entrepreneurship policies and culture |
Initial Value: 1
6.72 |
3.22 |
Worst: Mozambique 3.22 Best: United Arab Emirates 6.72
53.78% |
5.1Value: 5.1024559083
Rank 65 / Score 51.45 |
Expenditure on education |
Initial Value: 1
9.52 |
1.67 |
Worst: Cambodia 1.67 Best: Namibia 9.52
36.44% |
4.53Value: 4.5304473912
Government funding per secondary student |
Initial Value: 1
51.06 |
5.41 |
Worst: Guatemala 5.41 Best: Tunisia 51.06
34.61% |
21.21Value: 21.208770752
School life expectancy |
Initial Value: 1
21.05 |
6.41 |
Worst: Niger 6.41 Best: Australia 21.05
63.9% |
15.77Value: 15.765000343
PISA scales in reading, math and science |
Initial Value: 0.5
579.03 |
334.12 |
Worst: Dominican Republic 334.12 Best: China 579.03
27.87% |
402.39Value: 402.38674767
Pupil-teacher ratio, secondary |
Initial Value: 0.5
45.18 |
6.11 |
Worst: Mozambique 45.18 Best: Croatia 6.11
94.44% |
8.28Value: 8.2808988304
Tertiary Education
Rank 50 / Score 34.5 |
Tertiary enrolment |
Initial Value: 1
150.88 |
4.37 |
Worst: Niger 4.37 Best: Greece 150.88
45.26% |
70.68Value: 70.677940369
Graduates in Science and engineering |
Initial Value: 1
43.53 |
8.92 |
Worst: Namibia 8.92 Best: Malaysia 43.53
43.75% |
24.06Value: 24.061540604
Tertiary inbound mobility |
Initial Value: 0.5
70.27 |
0.10 |
Worst: Indonesia 0.10 Best: United Arab Emirates 70.27
7.71% |
5.51Value: 5.5077500343
Research and Development
Rank 54 / Score 11.91 |
Researchers FTE |
Initial Value: 1
9640.25 |
13.92 |
Worst: Guatemala 13.92 Best: Sweden 9640.25
6.4% |
629.85Value: 629.85122
Gross expenditure on R&D (GERD) |
Initial Value: 1
5.56 |
0.01 |
Worst: Mauritania 0.01 Best: Israel 5.56
2.17% |
0.13Value: 0.13023
Global RnD companies, average expenditure, top 3 |
Initial Value: 1
28099.99 |
0.00 |
Worst: Albania 0.00 Best: United States 28099.99
0% |
0Value: 0
QS university ranking average score of top 3 universities |
Initial Value: 1
98.70 |
0.00 |
Worst: Albania 0.00 Best: United States 98.70
39.07% |
38.57Value: 38.566666667
Rank 21 / Score 85.15 |
ICT access |
Initial Value: 1
9.98 |
3.39 |
Worst: Niger 3.39 Best: Singapore 9.98
86.74% |
9.11Value: 9.1064230006
ICT use |
Initial Value: 1
8.89 |
0.48 |
Worst: Burundi 0.48 Best: Switzerland 8.89
80.88% |
7.28Value: 7.2822968807
Government online service |
Initial Value: 1
1.00 |
0.10 |
Worst: Mauritania 0.10 Best: Estonia 1.00
92.71% |
0.93Value: 0.9344
online e-participation |
Initial Value: 1
1.00 |
0.02 |
Worst: Mauritania 0.02 Best: Japan 1.00
80.29% |
0.81Value: 0.8068
General Infrastructure
Rank 67 / Score 26.18 |
Electricity output |
Initial Value: 0.5
52600.54 |
26.44 |
Worst: Niger 26.44 Best: Iceland 52600.54
11.2% |
5912.24Value: 5912.2414161
Logistics performance |
Initial Value: 0.5
4.30 |
2.10 |
Worst: Angola 2.10 Best: Singapore 4.30
27.27% |
2.7Value: 2.7
Gross capital formation |
Initial Value: 1
73.06 |
11.85 |
Worst: Egypt 11.85 Best: Mozambique 73.06
21.2% |
24.83Value: 24.827
Ecological sustainability
Rank 90 / Score 18.06 |
GDP per unit of energy use |
Initial Value: 1
36.34 |
2.16 |
Worst: Trinidad and Tobago 2.16 Best: Ireland 36.34
13.84% |
6.89Value: 6.891
Environmental performance |
Initial Value: 1
77.90 |
18.90 |
Worst: India 18.90 Best: Denmark 77.90
37.29% |
40.9Value: 40.9
ISO 14001 environmental certificates |
Initial Value: 1
12.73 |
0.06 |
Worst: Ethiopia 0.06 Best: Bulgaria 12.73
3.1% |
0.45Value: 0.45267436704
Rank 87 / Score 22.06 |
Finance for startups and scaleups |
Initial Value: 1
6.90 |
2.23 |
Worst: Mozambique 2.23 Best: Finland 6.90
45.63% |
4.36Value: 4.3607986111
Domestic credit to private sector |
Initial Value: 1
258.91 |
5.42 |
Worst: Zimbabwe 5.42 Best: Hong Kong SAR 258.91
7.97% |
25.64Value: 25.635231095
Loans from microfinance institutions, % GDP |
Initial Value: 1
28.71 |
0.00 |
Worst: Iceland 0.00 Best: Cambodia 28.71
3.75% |
1.08Value: 1.0766805525
Rank 100 / Score 2.37 |
Venture capital received, value, % GDP |
Initial Value: 1
0.02 |
0.00 |
Worst: Burkina Faso 0.00 Best: Estonia 0.02
0.02% |
0Value: 0.0000048441793018
Market capitalization |
Initial Value: 1
1394.19 |
0.23 |
Worst: Algeria 0.23 Best: Hong Kong SAR 1394.19
1.7% |
23.94Value: 23.936972273
Venture capital investors, deals |
Initial Value: 1
2.20 |
0.00 |
Worst: Kazakhstan 0.00 Best: Mauritius 2.20
0.17% |
0Value: 0.0036711711145
Venture capital recipients, deals |
Initial Value: 1
0.90 |
0.00 |
Worst: Algeria 0.00 Best: Singapore 0.90
0.39% |
0Value: 0.0035115650835
Trade, competition, and market scale
Rank 66 / Score 58.54 |
Applied tariff rate, weighted average |
Initial Value: 0.5
15.46 |
0.00 |
Worst: Cameroon 15.46 Best: Hong Kong SAR 0.00
87.32% |
1.96Value: 1.96
Domestic industry diversification |
Initial Value: 1
0.80 |
0.08 |
Worst: Burundi 0.80 Best: Portugal 0.08
75.62% |
0.26Value: 0.255520745
Domestic market scale |
Initial Value: 1
30074.38 |
4.82 |
Worst: Cape Verde 4.82 Best: China 30074.38
1.97% |
596.67Value: 596.666
Knowledge workers
Rank 46 / Score 40.76 |
Knowledge-intensive employment |
Initial Value: 1
64.13 |
2.75 |
Worst: Burundi 2.75 Best: Luxembourg 64.13
55.66% |
36.92Value: 36.915600478
Firms offering formal training |
Initial Value: 1
73.70 |
7.70 |
Worst: Indonesia 7.70 Best: Ecuador 73.70
21.36% |
21.8Value: 21.8
GERD performed by business enterprise |
Initial Value: 1
5.06 |
0.00 |
Worst: Panama 0.00 Best: Israel 5.06
0.99% |
0.05Value: 0.05014
GERD financed by business enterprise |
Initial Value: 1
80.84 |
0.00 |
Worst: Brunei Darussalam 0.00 Best: Thailand 80.84
58.66% |
47.42Value: 47.4229
Females employed with advanced degrees |
Initial Value: 0.5
30.79 |
0.15 |
Worst: Tanzania 0.15 Best: Lithuania 30.79
67.12% |
20.72Value: 20.716596954
Innovation linkage
Rank 123 / Score 8.39 |
University/industry research collaboration |
Initial Value: 0.5
5.63 |
2.25 |
Worst: Angola 2.25 Best: Israel 5.63
20.27% |
2.94Value: 2.9352252152
State of cluster development |
Initial Value: 1
5.56 |
2.72 |
Worst: Burkina Faso 2.72 Best: United States 5.56
16.59% |
3.19Value: 3.1910564557
GERD financed by abroad |
Initial Value: 1
2.86 |
0.00 |
Worst: Azerbaijan 0.00 Best: Israel 2.86
0.11% |
0Value: 0.0031114759379
Joint venture/strategic alliance deals |
Initial Value: 1
0.34 |
0.00 |
Worst: Iran, Islamic Rep. 0.00 Best: Malta 0.34
2.51% |
0.01Value: 0.0085253743174
Patent families filed in two offices |
Initial Value: 1
12.97 |
0.00 |
Worst: Angola 0.00 Best: Japan 12.97
0.65% |
0.08Value: 0.084569257305
Knowledge absorption
Rank 83 / Score 29.01 |
Intellectual property payments |
Initial Value: 1
20.42 |
0.00 |
Worst: Armenia 0.00 Best: Ireland 20.42
1.56% |
0.32Value: 0.31770262079
High tech imports |
Initial Value: 1
59.14 |
1.69 |
Worst: Luxembourg 1.69 Best: Hong Kong SAR 59.14
14.32% |
9.92Value: 9.9154561366
ICT services imports |
Initial Value: 0.5
13.89 |
0.02 |
Worst: Paraguay 0.02 Best: Cyprus 13.89
5.68% |
0.81Value: 0.80821519025
Foreign direct investment net inflows |
Initial Value: 0.5
60.98 |
-13.20 |
Worst: Netherlands -13.20 Best: Hungary 60.98
21.66% |
2.87Value: 2.86643963
Research talent in business enterprise |
Initial Value: 1
82.94 |
0.30 |
Worst: Mozambique 0.30 Best: Korea, Rep. 82.94
n/aValue: n/a
knowledge creation
Rank 63 / Score 15.49 |
Patent applications by origin |
Initial Value: 1
73.99 |
0.00 |
Worst: Honduras 0.00 Best: Korea, Rep. 73.99
2.41% |
1.78Value: 1.7817060883
PCT applications by origin |
Initial Value: 0.5
8.24 |
0.00 |
Worst: Angola 0.00 Best: Japan 8.24
0.51% |
0.04Value: 0.041899488156
Utility models by origin |
Initial Value: 1
104.56 |
0.00 |
Worst: Benin 0.00 Best: China 104.56
1.56% |
1.63Value: 1.627577608
Scientific and technical publications |
Initial Value: 1
50.79 |
0.58 |
Worst: Angola 0.58 Best: Iceland 50.79
5.58% |
3.38Value: 3.3804507044
Citable documents H index |
Initial Value: 1
2898.00 |
43.00 |
Worst: Cape Verde 43.00 Best: United States 2898.00
3.89% |
154Value: 154
Knowledge Impact
Rank 108 / Score 19.55 |
Labor productivity growth |
Initial Value: 1
6.02 |
-4.86 |
Worst: Lebanon -4.86 Best: China 6.02
59.58% |
1.62Value: 1.6228317514
Unicorn valuation |
Initial Value: 1
23.84 |
0.00 |
Worst: Albania 0.00 Best: Estonia 23.84
0% |
0Value: 0
Total computer software spending |
Initial Value: 1
1.05 |
0.01 |
Worst: Ethiopia 0.01 Best: United States 1.05
0.67% |
0.02Value: 0.016980319544
High-tech manufacturing |
Initial Value: 1
78.53 |
1.85 |
Worst: Kyrgyz Republic 1.85 Best: Singapore 78.53
17.56% |
15.32Value: 15.31650335
Knowledge diffusion
Rank 77 / Score 19.46 |
IP receipts |
Initial Value: 0.5
6.48 |
0.00 |
Worst: Armenia 0.00 Best: Netherlands 6.48
0.07% |
0Value: 0.0042350122884
High Tech exports |
Initial Value: 1
44.66 |
0.01 |
Worst: Cape Verde 0.01 Best: Malaysia 44.66
11.46% |
5.13Value: 5.1273624443
ICT services export |
Initial Value: 1
35.21 |
0.01 |
Worst: Benin 0.01 Best: Ireland 35.21
0.85% |
0.31Value: 0.31087538698
ISO 9001 quality/bn PPP$ GDP |
Initial Value: 1
37.40 |
0.10 |
Worst: Tajikistan 0.10 Best: Bulgaria 37.40
2.13% |
0.9Value: 0.89614803556
Production and export complexity |
Initial Value: 0.5
2.27 |
-2.51 |
Worst: Angola -2.51 Best: Japan 2.27
45.56% |
-0.33Value: -0.332067
Intangible Assets
Rank 82 / Score 20.93 |
Intangible asset intensity, top 15, % |
Initial Value: 1
93.40 |
-181.36 |
Worst: Montenegro -181.36 Best: United States 93.40
70.81% |
13.21Value: 13.207223235
Trademark application class count by origin |
Initial Value: 1
445.16 |
1.43 |
Worst: Niger 1.43 Best: Mongolia 445.16
5.09% |
24Value: 24.000942152
Industrial design by origin |
Initial Value: 0.5
32.41 |
0.00 |
Worst: Brunei Darussalam 0.00 Best: Mongolia 32.41
0.83% |
0.27Value: 0.2705005364
Global brand value, top 5,000 |
Initial Value: 1
27.56 |
0.00 |
Worst: Albania 0.00 Best: Hong Kong SAR 27.56
1.13% |
0.31Value: 0.31201416621
Creative Goods
Rank 93 / Score 3.31 |
Cultural and creative services exports |
Initial Value: 0.5
14.25 |
0.00 |
Worst: Benin 0.00 Best: Malta 14.25
0.53% |
0.08Value: 0.075162456937
National feature films produced |
Initial Value: 0.5
37.91 |
0.05 |
Worst: Pakistan 0.05 Best: Iceland 37.91
2.58% |
1.03Value: 1.027411984
Entertainment and media market |
Initial Value: 0.5
3.50 |
0.02 |
Worst: Pakistan 0.02 Best: United States 3.50
n/aValue: n/a
Creative goods exports |
Initial Value: 1
12.71 |
0.00 |
Worst: Mauritania 0.00 Best: Hong Kong SAR 12.71
1.42% |
0.18Value: 0.18017431849
Online creativity
Rank 73 / Score 18.86 |
Generic TLD |
Initial Value: 1
423.69 |
0.05 |
Worst: Uzbekistan 0.05 Best: United States 423.69
0.24% |
1.05Value: 1.0497782532
Country code TLD |
Initial Value: 1
2701.89 |
0.03 |
Worst: Ethiopia 0.03 Best: Montenegro 2701.89
0.5% |
13.49Value: 13.489666236
GitHub commits/mn pop. 15–69 |
Initial Value: 1
18874723.79 |
2364.30 |
Worst: Niger 2364.30 Best: Hong Kong SAR 18874723.79
1.76% |
335167.03Value: 335167.03436
Mobile apps creation |
Initial Value: 1
77113978.63 |
0.04 |
Worst: Madagascar 0.04 Best: Cyprus 77113978.63
0.18% |
142161.53Value: 142161.53161